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Павел Сергеевич ПАНКОВ

When Tale is Over (White Steamer) after Tchingiz Aitmatov

Ч. Айтматовдун «Ак-кеме» повестинин англис тилиндеги кыскача баяндамасы

Мен чет өлкөлөргө командировкаларда болгондо, кишилер менен сүйлөшүп Чыңгыз Айтматовдун чыгармачылыгы жөнүндө дайыма баяндап жүрөмүн. Мен оозеки баяндоо үчүн «Ак-кеменин» кыскартылган чагылдыруусун чыгармачылыгынын мисалы катары даярдадым. Бул чагылдырууда бир күн-түндүн ичиндеги окуялар каралат.

2003-ж. 8-майында Чыңгыз Айтматов Кыргызстан Эл аралык университетине келгенде мен ага айтылган чагылдырууну бергенмин.

Ал чагылдырууда орус тилине так которулбас, бирок Чыңгыз Айтматовдун ойлорун туура көрсөткөн кээ бир англисче сөздөр колдонулат. Ал төмөнкүдөй.


Панков П.С. When Tale is Over (White Steamer) after Tchingiz Aitmatov // Жизнь науки. – Бишкек: НАН КР, 2008. — № 2. – С. 16-17.


He had two fairy-tales. His grandfather told him the first. Nobody knew the second. Both are over. That will be told about.

The boy lived in a little forester point finding itself among the mountains of Eastern Issyk-Kul (Warm Lake). On those days he was seven years old. All began from a usual school-bag bought by his Grandpa at an auto-shop.

Getting luck Boy began to show the school-bag to all inhabitants of the point. But Uncle did not pay attention to Boy because he was satisfied by a recent meat feast.

And Aunt did not share Boy's joy because she could not have a child that’s why she was sometimes beaten by Uncle.

And Boy took field-glasses and left the point for the mountain called by him Guard Mount. Firstly he watched snow-crowned peaks of high mountains, and then he did the far road with moving cars like mice with long dusty tails.

And there was Lake further the road. Boy directed the field-glasses to it and the fairy White Steamer stood out against its smooth surface. Boy believed that his father who had left his family some years ago was a sailor on board this ship. And he began to tell the school-bag his second tale.

"You see, I shall turn into a fish, swim down the river, come up to White Steamer and say her: "Hello, White Steamer, it's me." And my Father will recognize me, lift me to her deck and I shall tell him about myself, my Grandpa, forests and mountains and..."

But Boy could not finish the tale. Whether the ship lands and Father's new family meets him? And Boy went down.

Night had already covered mountains and the Point but Boy could not asleep. And he began to tell the school-bag his first tale.

"You know, many years ago the Kyrgyz tribe lived on banks of the great river called by them "Yenisei" because "Ene" meant "Mother" and "sai" meant "stream". Suddenly evil enemies attacked and killed all the Kyrgyzes. Only a boy and a girl picking flowers in a forest left alive. Hearing terrible sounds of the attack they ran as far as they could. Returning to themselves they saw a white deer before them.

Both your parents and my children had been killed by men. I shall became yours" — said the Antler Deer-Mother. And they drank her milk, mounted her back and were carried by her to their new motherland — Warm Lake among Snow Mountains.

Twenty years had passed and Deer-Mother brought a cradle on her antlers. Thus the Kyrgyz tribe resurrected on the banks of Issyk-Kul. Firstly they remembered their origin but after they did forget it and began hunting deer. Then Antler Deer-Mother gathered the rest of her children and left our land..."

Boy fell asleep.

Getting up he went down to the river to drink. Straightening his back he got to see deer on the other bank of the river. Two of them were gray and the third was white.

Boy rushed himself to the houses. "They have returned" — cried he — "She has returned and she will bring a ..."

"Did you see deer?" — asked Uncle — "Their meat is tastier than sheep's..."

"Don't you respect our Antler Deer-Mother?" — said Grandpa in a low voice.

"Such a ... a backward obscurant you are" — answered Uncle — "Do you still believe these childish tales?"

Boy could not hear anything more. He felt badly.

Some hours later he went outdoors. The women were cooking any big body on a fire. And Uncle was axing something in the corner of the yard.

Boy came nearer and saw that he was trying to strike the antlers from white deer's head. The same deer had been looking at Boy in the morning.

Boy understood that his first tale was over. Antler Deer-Mother will never bring a cradle for Uncle and Aunt.

But there left the second tale. And Boy threw himself into the violent river...

He was floating down and down. Nobody noted his disappearance.

You will never turn into a fish, my Boy. You will never see White Steamer. You could not carry out the life and you have left it for the tale. But you have lived like a lightning of Heavens. Heavens is eternal and this consoles me.

Parting with you I repeat with you: "Hello, White Steamer, it's me."


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