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© Omurov T.D., 2016
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Таалайбек Дардайылович ОМУРОВ

Existence and uniqueness of a solution of the nD Navier-Stokes equation


A fundamental problem in mathematics is to decide whether such smooth, physically reasonable solutions exist for the Navier-Stokes equations. We restrict attention here to incompressible fluids filling all of Rn. The Cauchy problem for the nD Navier-Stokes equations is reduced to the integral equations of Volterra and Volterra-Abel, investigation of which, allows us to solve positively question on uniqueness and smoothness of the solution.

T. D. Omurov, Existence and uniqueness of a solution of the nD Navier-Stokes equation, Advances and Applications in Fluid Mechanics 19(3), 589-604 (July 2016)


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СКАЧАТЬ статью доктора физико-математических наук, профессора Кыргызского Национального университета Т.Д.Омурова о шестой проблеме тысячелетия на английском языке


© Omurov T.D., 2016
    All right reserved.


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